3 Steps to finish the lyrics of a song you're stuck in

Get your 3-Step Action Plan to find your inspiration and know exactly how you can finish that song you're stuck in.

April 17, 2020   |   0   |   Episode 005 Shownotes

3 Steps to finish the lyrics of a song you're stuck in

Get your 3-Step Action Plan to find your inspiration and know exactly how you can finish that song you're stuck in.

Episode Overview:

[00:00:00] - Introduction to the episode

[00:02:16] - Step 1 - Identifying the Problem

[00:06:29] - Your purpose as an artist and creator

[00:08:30] - Step 2 - The problem the character in your song faces

[00:11:42] - The idea behind your song. And the need for conflict. (Example: Eminem: Sing for the Moment)

[00:22:44] - Step 3 - One Sentence to give you clarity about what you want to write about.

[00:32:09] - End of episode

3 Steps to finish the lyrics of a song you're stuck in

Episode 005

Today I want to talk with you about a problem many of us have to face at one point or another: How the heck can we finish the lyrics of a song we’re struggling with?

After all, if that song would not be important to you, you wouldn’t worry that much about finding the right words. You would just get it out there and move on.

But you want to finish the job yourself because that is your song.

But how?

In this episode, I will give you a 3-Step Action Plan with an exercise at the end of each step so that you find your inspiration, motivation as well as a clear picture of what you want to express in your song. 

And I also have a surprise for you at the end of this podcast episode. It’s like a reward for you if you manage to finish writing this song you’re struggling with. And it will help you see how strong the lyrics of your songs are. So stick around to hear more about this amazing and FREE offer.

© Stories in Songs, Melanie Naumann

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Lyric Mastery - Independent Songwriting Consultant for Music Artists and Record Labels

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