If you wonder if lyrics still play an important part in songwriting, this episode is for you.
March 05, 2020 | 0 | Episode 001 Shownotes
If you wonder if lyrics still play an important part in songwriting, this episode is for you.
Episode Overview:
[00:00:00] - Introduction to the episode
[00:01:19] - Is it a secret of how you can turn your listeners into fans? Or is it a craft?
[00:01:54] - Who is this podcast for?
[00:02:29] - The craft of storytelling and why it matters in songwriting.
[00:03:36] - Songs set expectations. And why you should deliver.
[00:06:03] - How one song of a band I had never heard of before turned me straight into a fan. Let's analyze the song 'Welcome to the Black Parade' and why it was so powerful.
[00:23:28] - Being a fan is great. Here's why it's so important for people to have something to connect to.
[00:24:27] - The purpose of this podcast is to turn your audience into fans by learning how to tell captivating stories.
Episode 001
This is the very first episode of the Stories in Songs podcast and I answer the question of why we should not neglect the art of capturing your listeners' attention through telling a story in a song.
Especially I talk about how you can turn your listeners into fans and how you can make your songs resonate with them.
I also walk you through the amazing storytelling in My Chemical Romance's song 'Welcome to the Black Parade' that turned so many people into fans of MCR.
Lyrics are super important if you want to build a fan base. And in this episode, you'll find out why.
© Stories in Songs, Melanie Naumann
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