Why storytelling matters in songwriting.

Songwriting through captivating storytelling to improve album sales. That's what I can help you with as a certified story consultant.

Why storytelling matters in songwriting.

Storytelling matters

Interested to find out how you can increase the sales of an album or of a single release?

Storytelling in Songwriting Melanie NaumannHi, I'm Melanie. I help musicians change lives and create meaning through the stories they tell and the songs they sing.

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Storytelling matters in how successful an album or a single release can be.


#1 - Case Study: Westlife

Here you can see the final result of evaluating the storytelling of 137 original Westlife Songs. 

In % you can see how captivating the storytelling on an album or in the single releases of an album was.

Storytelling matters in Songwriting. Westlife

Check out the entire evaluation here: Westlife - One band. One genre. One success story.



#2 - Case Study: Placebo

I've evaluated all 7 studio albums of Placebo and compared the final data with the album sales, weeks in the chart as well as the chart position.

There is a correlation between the success and how well the songs on the album told captivating stories:

Placebo Song Evaluation Result

Click on the picture to enlarge it.


How do I evaluate a song or an album?

The process is similar to editing a novel. You do not publish the first draft, but you hire an editor who helps you to understand how strong the story is, what works and what doesn't. As a Story Grid Certified Editor, I am trained to give writers specific feedback that they can use to improve their stories.

analysing songs and albums. What I do for evaluating the storytelling.



Storytelling in Songs Editor Seal Story Grid Melanie NaumannWhat I can help you with if you hire me:

  • evaluate and predict the strength of an album in relation to how successful it can be
  • tell you the exact storytelling criteria that influence your album success the most
  • improve the storytelling of an album and its songs before its release
  • choose the songs that tell the most captivating stories as a single release
  • influence the mood and emotions the listeners feel when listening to the album
  • strengthen the message of a song by making it a prescriptive or a cautionary tale
  • create concept albums that tell a compelling story from beginning to end
  • analyzing all the albums of a band can be used to find out which storytelling criteria influenced the sales positively or negatively
  • Learning from masterworks. Analysis of the songs of successful bands to learn what they did to tell captivating stories in their songs


© Stories in Songs, Melanie Naumann


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