Dive into the life of Lewis Capaldi and his struggle to write another hit album, and how he could have overcome that struggle by learning narrative songwriting.
April 17, 2023 | 0 | Episode 052 Shownotes
Dive into the life of Lewis Capaldi and his struggle to write another hit album, and how he could have overcome that struggle by learning narrative songwriting.
Episode Overview:
[00:01:20] Lewis Capaldi - The Rise and Fall of a music artist
[00:05:02] Lewis Capaldi - Origin Story
[00:07:48] The Importance of Storytelling in Songwriting:
[00:11:14] The ART of writing lyrics
[00:12:16] What is Narrative Songwriting?
Episode 052
So, I recently dived into Netflix's documentary about Lewis Capaldi, titled "Lewis Capaldi: How I'm Feeling Now," and let me tell you, it was a rollercoaster of emotions - inspiring and tear-jerking in equal measure.
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And in this episode, we talk about Lewis Capaldi’s struggle and the pressure of writing an encore to his debut album, "Divinely Uninspired To A Hellish Extent." And how he could have overcome that terrible inner voice saying, “I’m shite at writing lyrics,” or the imposter syndrome that came with it.
So if you’re curious to find out how writing lyrics can become easier without all the overwhelm, keep listening.
© Stories in Songs, Melanie Naumann
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